Pia Eigenstetter

Pia Eigenstetter

((she / her))


Social Worker , Drug Scouts



As an employee of the Drug Scouts project based in Leipzig, Germany, Pia Eigenstetter mainly is concerned with questions around safer nightlife, safer use + harm reduction. With more than 10 years of experience as a nightlife professional, she was able to sharpen her view on how to create pleasure-oriented and solidarity-based events and venues. She trains club staff, guests and other professionals with the aim to reduce the specific risks and increase the recreational potential of nightlife. As a white, able-bodied, queer person a power-critical, trauma- and discrimination-sensitive attitude towards those affected by violence and structural disadvantage is important to her. For this she is in a constant learning process. Her expertise on the intersection of those topics is growing through her involvement in multi-perspective networks such as Sonics e.V. - Safer Nightlife Bundesverband, NachtRat Leipzig or as a member of the advisory board of the project Initiative Awareness e.V. // Support f(x).