Jörg Kosinski Research Assistent , LiveKommbinat Leipzig, Fraunhofer Center for Intl. Management & Knowledge , Panelhost and moderation Leipzig, Germany About Research Assistent at Fraunhofer IMW and Board member of Leipzigs representation of clubs and live music venues Sessions Input Session 16.Nov, 11.30 - 13.00 Numbers, Please! Measuring nightlife: New economic studies on the nightlife Speaker Mathieu Grondin MTL 24/24 / Creative Footprint Montréal Arne Dee Live DMA Andreas Topp City of Stuttgart / Nightlife Coordination Office Diana Raiselis VibeLab Jakob F. Schmid stadtnachacht.de Moderation Jörg Kosinski LiveKommbinat Leipzig, Fraunhofer Center for Intl. Management & Knowledge Night Time Economy Politics & Administration Urban Spree Gallery En