Raimund Reintjes
Head of Conference SN8 , Stadt Nach Acht | Sonar , Stadt Nach Acht | Sonar - Safer Nightlife Berlin
Berlin, DE
Raimund Reintjes is, together with his colleague Marc Wohlrabe, head of Stadt Nach Acht, responsible for finances and side events, co-curator of the main program and backing for all production issues. At the same time, he works as the project manager for Berlin's Safer Nightlife Initiative "Sonar" on behalf of the Berlin Senate of Health. Previously, he was project manager of the Berlin Noise Protection Fund on behalf of the Berlin Senate of Economics. Between 2010 and 2016, Raimund was on the board of the Berlin Clubcommission and subsequently head of the Berlin office. Before that, he was venue manager of the "Raw.Tempel" and the "Ambulatorium" on the RAW site (where this year's Stadt Nach Acht is taking place), organized dozens of concerts and various festivals in Berlin and London: until 2014, he was responsible for almost 350 parties under the name "Dienstagswelt".